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Sore throat - Unhindered by talent - 1988 (royaume uni) - Grindcore

Discussion dans 'MUSIQUE INTERNATIONALE' créé par weedda, 4 Mars 2011.

  1. weedda

    weedda Uploadeur Membre actif




    17 Août 2009

    Tracklist :

    1. Horrendous Cut-Throat System
    2. Straight Head (Narrow Mind)
    3. Alchoholics Unanimous
    4. King of Thrash
    5. Rock'n'Roll Colostamy
    6. Horrendous Slaughter
    7. Smash the Clique
    8. Hang Norman Tebbit
    9. Invasion of the Amerikaan HC Clones
    10. Eat Organic
    11. War is Horrendous
    12. Fuck the Poll Tax
    13. Filthchain
    14. The Mole Catcher
    15. Laurel and Hardy
    16. Billy Milanos Head
    17. Horrendously Mutilated
    18. Dominated by Fear
    19. Noise not War
    20. Three Seconds Long
    21. Shit for Brains
    22. Our Leaders Horrendous Policies
    23. Consumer Terrorisim
    24. Unhindered by Talent
    25. Heath
    26. In Their Hypocrisy, They'll Probably Sue Us
    27. Toxic Existance
    28. Fucking Horrendous
    29. Positive Drinking Attitude
    30. The Crossover (Is Over)
    31. Straights
    32. Your Next
    33. Burn the Goths
    34. (D.R.I.) Dead Rich Individuals
    35. Sticks Underwear
    36. Exploited
    37. Two Horrendous Nuclear Arsenals
    38. Bonded by Booze
    39. (M.D.C.) More Damn Capitalists
    40. Yankees Go Home
    41. Go Away
    42. Hammys Ego
    43. Musical Genits
    44. Record Collectors are Still Pretentious Assholes
    45. C.B.C.
    46. A Bow to Capital
    47. Face Up to It
    48. Genit Jonny
    49. Iron Lung
    50. Rememberance
    51. B.N.F.L. Ho to Hell
    52. D.B.D.


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  2. HarryKill

    HarryKill Uploadeur Membre actif

    1 594



    31 Octobre 2011
    Re : Sore throat - Unhindered by talent - 1988 (royaume uni) - Grindcore

    Quelqu'un pourrait-il faire une re-up sur cet album SVP ?