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France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

Discussion dans 'Discussion générale' créé par flea, 18 Mars 2010.

  1. flea

    flea Membre du forum




    6 Janvier 2010
    It's only natural that everybody understands his own language best.
    It's only logical that everybody is a product of the culture in which he or she grew up, and in which she or he lives.
    It's probably not natural, but logical that most people are more interested in things from their vicinity than in things that are further or far away.

    So far no problems and no questions. But! :)

    Whenever I'm here, it irritates me anew that this forum has a national and an international music section and that the international one abounds (déborde) in zero-readings, zero-answers, and zero-thanks. Why are there so many zero's?

    There is this cliché about the French saying that they were so supercilious (condescendant; hautain) and so full of their own importance (imbus de leur-même) that they lose sight of the fact that there is a world. Is the francophonie postulated and practised here the smoke screen (le prétexte; le couvert) for patriotism and nationalism? In other words: Is francophonie the last and only way out in order to do things that are otherwise forbidden here?

    @ anarchoi
    I'm sure that half a dozen of thoughts cross your mind now, but please, don't answer too soon. Let others express their positions and reflections first.
  2. maiden

    maiden Uploadeur Membre actif

    2 705



    22 Octobre 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?


    I'll answer with Google translation because I'm a shit in English
    c is the French all idiots, they think that has them 3 / 4 are rude and selfish
    we must not forget that we are French and I say a place of our European cousins because they say
    one's raleurs d snail eaters

    if you do not understand all c is the fault google

    kiss and soon flea
  3. flea

    flea Membre du forum




    6 Janvier 2010
    Encore une fois, "vierge", :thumbsup: et en francais, s.t.p.!
    Le bécotage, on s'occupera de ca quand je serai à Paris la prochaine fois, d'accord? :happy:
  4. Chabane's rds

    Chabane's rds Label libre Membre actif




    17 Août 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    "zero readings" in the international section ? it's simply not true...
    by the way, the french speaking area is not a "national" area. there are not only french bands there, but also from swiss, from belgium, from quebec and could be african bands too, but they rarely play punk rock, so they're mostly in the "other styles" section...
    to me this kind of division is silly and it would be better to have one big download section, with the style and other info in each thread title. most of the active members did agree with this when we talked about it, but it would be too heavy to change things now.

    there is also a strong tradition in the punk scene of singing in one's native language in order not to stick to the "sung in english rock" old thing and to have the message understanble by most people in the area. punk bands are not meant to have an international glory, so it makes sense. many punks value the lyrics and prefer them sung in their own language and so are more interested in local bands. i dont find it absurd or having nationalist undertones.

    you recognize yourself that your question is based on clichés.
    to me it's simply a troll based on biased views and false assumptions.
  5. maiden

    maiden Uploadeur Membre actif

    2 705



    22 Octobre 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    mais tu parles francais flea ou quoi????

    et ok pour le becotage quand tu viendras

  6. tetsuo

    tetsuo Membre actif




    2 Août 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    il y a pas de section national mais francophone
    mais par style aurait ete mieux mais comme la di chabane on a decide de laisser comme ca car trop relou de tout changer maintenant
    par contre pour les remerciements je suis daccord dommage que les gens ne prennent pas le temps de laisser 1 petit mot
  7. anarchOi

    anarchOi Comité auto-gestion Uploadeur Équipe technique Membre actif

    7 658



    4 Avril 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    Des sites sur la musique internationale tu en trouve des tonnes sur le web, ils affluent de partout. est en quelque sorte unique (ou presque) parce qu'il propose un site surtout dédié à la musique francophone (on parle de langue et pas de nationalité), c'est pourquoi ce site est surtout centré sur la musique francophone.

    C'est faux de dire qu'on est centré sur nous même, à partir de ce même site s'est lancé des initiatives comme (uniquement en anglais) et (un site multi-lingue disponible en plus de 20 langues différentes et dédié à la scène du MONDE ENTIER)

    D'ailleurs je suis déjà surpris de la quantité de musique non-francophone postée ici. Quand on compare par exemple avec on réalise très vite que là bas on est encore plus centré sur la scène locale (encore une fois c'est compréhensible, est le seul et unique site de tout le web qui est dédié à la musique punk/oi/ska/crust/grind québécoise, très rare et difficilement trouvable ailleurs)

    Je suis sur que si on compare avec n'importe quel autre site du même concept (par exemple un site espagnol dédié à la musique espagnole), tu retrouveras le même "problème". Les francais ne sont pas un exception ou particulièrement spécial sur ca.

    Assimiler tout ca a un "mur de fumée" pour du patriotisme et du nationalisme est une grosse blague surtout quand on constate les positions politiques de ce site.
  8. cats

    cats Psycho cats Membre actif

    1 100



    10 Août 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    Quoi ??????????? Flea est une fille ???????????

    C'est évident que ceux qui ne remercient pas ne sont que des margoulins ! Apres, je ne sais pas s'il s'agit d'un trait caracteristique des francais......

    Ps : moi aussi j'aurai droit à un bécot la prochaine fois que tu viens en france ???
  9. Pablito

    Pablito Membre actif

    1 194



    11 Août 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    han les chiens ici pfffffffff.... hahahaha^^
  10. Zaïre

    Zaïre Undercover Stonehead Membre actif

    1 615



    6 Septembre 2009
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    Flea, ya ye're right with yer finding that there are more answers on francophone topics than on the international ones... but I don't think this is because the French are "superlicious" or full of themselves (btw, the correct translation for it is "imbu d'eux-même" ;)).

    There is no prob between the French language and the others, most of the French are simply very bad at learning foreign languages :ecouteurs: therefor they promote francophone music first.

    Besides, I don't believe that speaking French is patriotic but that speaking English is globalism :happy:
  11. vinvin

    vinvin Uploadeur Membre actif

    3 005



    15 Décembre 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    moi ça me gonfle, je ne suis pas bilingue, deja qu'il faut que je décode certains membres qui s'expriment en language SMS, ou dans un français limite du compréhensible, je n'ai pas le temps de traduire .
    Alors un petit effort de ta part serais le bienvenue!!:ecouteurs:

    Les membres t'ont repondu de façon clair et objective , t'es" a coté de la plaque":ecouteurs:
  12. Dona't

    Dona't Membre actif




    18 Janvier 2010
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    je pense qu'on est pas mal à avoir un problème avec les langues étrangères(mais ça ne m'empèche pas d'écouter des trucs ds divers langues, voir même ds des langues inventées par les groupes eux-même:Ekova,Magma,Nosfell), alors... problème d'apprentissage à l'école, ou selon un scientifique(je ne sais plus qui) problème dû aux fréquences utilisées dans notre langue, et bien j'en sais rien!!!
    Bref ça n'a fichtre rien à voir avec un quelquonque chauvinisme où autre truc du genre
  13. anarchOi

    anarchOi Comité auto-gestion Uploadeur Équipe technique Membre actif

    7 658



    4 Avril 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    C'est vrai que ce serait plus simple pour tous si Flea faisait un effort pour écrire en francais si il veut se faire comprendre dans un forum francophone.... Après tout il semble très bien comprendre le francais puisqu'il lis et répond a plusieurs message en comprenant tout...

    C'est dommage parce que parfois ses arguments sont intéressants (comme sur le topic des Street Kids) mais ils tombent dans l'oubli parce que la plupart ne sont pas billingue
  14. maiden

    maiden Uploadeur Membre actif

    2 705



    22 Octobre 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    je comprends rien a l anglais
  15. cathleen30

    cathleen30 Membre actif




    17 Mars 2010
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    Quoi ????????????????? Cats est un mec ? je croyais que tu étais une fille
    mais j'ai pas lu beaucoup de tes messages, c'était juste la photo du chat, il ressemble à un chat-fille

    Pour l'anglais et les autres langues en général, j'ai beaucoup l'impression que l'école ne fait rien pour nous aider. rien que les "cours" d'anglais en primaire, vous avez vu leur tronche ? l'organisation et la programmation n'en font pas des cours mais un "no man's land" (celui là ça va !)
    et pour les autres, plus tard, il en faudrait beaucoup plus, si la volonté existait de nous les faire apprendre...

    Flea : si tu passes par le gard quand tu seras en france, je veux bien prendre des cours
    mais que des cours, moi aussi je suis une fille, et pas lesbienne
  16. flea

    flea Membre du forum




    6 Janvier 2010
    Quote the passage where I "recognize" whatsoever, and you'll win the first price!

    Nice to know what it's to you, but that does not help us further. Your trial of stigmatisation is clumsy and your assertion disregards the facts. I do not assume, I look at the facts. Do so, too!

    Take the seperation criteria. They're not based on genres (Punk, Oi!/streetpunk, hardcore, metal, etc) which would be a neutral approach, but on a cultural phenomenon: French laguage. This implies an us-against-the-others-attitude, and that's what's called bulkheading, cultural bulkheading.

    Take the number of uploads and postings in the 'francophone' section and the international section (5,000 versus 2,000) and, even more revealing, take the percentage of French bands versus Swiss, Belgian and Québécoise bands. Now call a spade a spade! The Leitkultur here is the French one, not the Swiss, Belgian or Québécoise one. It's Lombard Street to a China orange. :)

    By the way, what's the opposite of thick? Right. Thin. What's the opposite of large? Right! Small. What's the opposite of international? Certainly not francophone. :youpi: At least, the world has not heard of it up to the present moment and is certainly not inclined to believe it.

    Speaking of world. There are no such things as music forums or blogs anywhere that would for example seperate Slavonic language Oi and Punk (thus Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovakian, Slovenian) or Germanic language Oi and Punk (Danish, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Swedish) from "international" Oi! and punk. So what is this 'francophone' section? A fig leaf, a smoke screen. For what? Again, call a spade a spade.

    Very simple: Because I don't master this language in a degree that would allow writing. :) My native tongue is Swedish. We started with English in the kindergarden. At school, we continued with English. When they had just started teaching us a second Scandinavian language (Norwegian), our family went to Germany due to my father's work. I was 10 at that time. German became my second native tongue, and except English, I had Latin at school. Later, I had to acquire passive knowledge, i.e. reading comprehension, in a living Latinian language, and I chose French. :) I acquired the passive knowledge, of which I'm proud, but I won't say sorry for not being able to write in this language. Now, according to you, which language could I use here if not English?

    How charming of you! and how impressing! considering that you're able to read and write English quite well. :) However, what do you do in a Polish, a Greek or a Brazilian music forum? Write in Polish, Greek or Portuguese? Laughing my arse off! I tell you what you do. You either use English, or you send these forums to Coventry. I bet you do the latter. I don't.

    No, no single individual is "obliged" to adapt to me, neither are "you" as a group. Those who understand English do so, those who don't unfortunately can't. It's a question of pragmatics, not of emotionaliy, and with your clanger of English being imperial (plus the false friend, as French 'imperial' is 'imperious' in English :D ) you've exposed yourself to ridicule. But it's interesting and frightening at the same time to see how firmly you attack a foreigner and how much you're busy with bulkheading. You shouldn't do that, but rather follow Anarchoi's example. He's even more emotional than your are (and regularly spoils his reasoning by this), but not for a single second has he shown any signs of bulkheading.

    Ajöss, kompis! :D
  17. flea

    flea Membre du forum




    6 Janvier 2010
    Re: Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    No, sorry, I can't speak it. :ecouteurs: My answer to you was translated by a colleague at work. But when I'm in France, I can say "bon jour" and "deux biere s-il-vous plais " :thumbsup:
  18. flea

    flea Membre du forum




    6 Janvier 2010
    Re: Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    Uhm ... I'm not really convinced yet, and see, from outside, it looks like self-centeredness very much. Which is a pity.

    "les positions politiques de ce site", that's exactly the reason why I'm irritated. When you're left, no matter to which degree, you should use neutral criteria like genres, not cultural ones. So if you can, understand my initial contribution as a plea to change things and get rid of all appearance of nationalism.

    Cheers! :)
  19. Chabane's rds

    Chabane's rds Label libre Membre actif




    17 Août 2008
    Re : France - the hub of the world? / La France, le centre du monde?

    ok, you're here for a flame war ? sorry i'm not interested.

    you're looking at facts ? facts are that there are NOT zero readings, zero answers and zero thanks in the international forum. so maybe there's something wrong with the way you're looking ?

    also you're quoting things i actually typed but that i suppressed less than 5 minutes after posting, in order not to sound offensive. so you've copied my post yesterday in order to answer the next day to selected sentences only in a way full of personnal attacks.
    you also got to choose : either my english is quite good or i ridicule myself by using the wrong words, i dont see how i can the two at the same time. sorry to be a native. anyway, answering in english is disrepectful for the other members of the forum and i wont do it again.

    not based on clichés, uh ?

    thanks for having confirmed that you're a troll only here for the fight.
    without me. you're on my ignore list from now.

    you should question your own attitude.
  20. flea

    flea Membre du forum




    6 Janvier 2010
    Oops ! One man and two women queueing up for kisses already?! That will boil down to Sodom and Gomorrah! :youpi:

    I herewith withdraw my offer to Maiden. No smooching with whoever. Instead, what about :boire: :sourire: