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Condemned 84 raciste ? pour ceux qui avaient encore des doutes....

Discussion dans 'Musique, scène punk et skinhead' créé par anarchOi, 27 Janvier 2011.

  1. anarchOi

    anarchOi Comité auto-gestion Uploadeur Équipe technique Membre actif

    7 657



    4 Avril 2008
    Pour ceux qui auraient du mal a comprendre l'anglais, Condemned 84 ont refusé de jouer a un concert avec The Templars parce qu'il y avait 2 groupes avec des noirs dedans.

    Pas très surprenant pour un groupe RAC constitué d'ex-boneheads qui ont toujours des idées clairement de droite, et dont un membre du groupe a des photos de lui qui trainent sur le web prisent a une manifestation du KKK avec un bomber white power (et ce APRÈS la formation du groupe)

    "The only color we hate is red" ........... mon cul
  2. oi25

    oi25 Membre actif




    25 Juillet 2010
    Re : Condemned 84 raciste ? pour ceux qui avaient encore des doutes....

    "the only color we hate is red" ......... mon cul

    Bha logique quand on est bonh's non?... Condemned ça fait looooooongtemps que tout le monde devrait savoir qu'ils sont d'extreme fachiste.
  3. anarchOi

    anarchOi Comité auto-gestion Uploadeur Équipe technique Membre actif

    7 657



    4 Avril 2008
  4. anarchOi

    anarchOi Comité auto-gestion Uploadeur Équipe technique Membre actif

    7 657



    4 Avril 2008
    Re : Condemned 84 raciste ? pour ceux qui avaient encore des doutes....

    For far too long there have been many Oi! / Street Punk bands that have sat on the fence regards racism and fascism. In ignoring these problems and allowing far right activists and their bands into the scene problems are now arising where innocent people are being attacked simply for wearing a t-shirt, badge or patch the far right do not like.

    We want the fence sitting bands to make a point of where they actually stand regards racism and fascism. Before anyone asks we aren't asking them to make political stance - Instead we are asking them to make a moral stance. If they choose to make a positive stance against racism and fascism that can only be a good thing. If they choose to side with the Far Right we feel that these bands should involve with themselves with the Blood And Honour scene.

    Have we got anything against the Blood And Honour scene? Totally. They're the scum of the earth. Make no mistake about it. These people are the lowest form of life. Fascists who have long criminal records including that of GBH, Murder, Paedophilia and even bombings!

    Condemned 84 is one of those bands that refuse to make a positive stance against racism and fascism. In fact when you see the evidence mounting against them they are a Blood And Honour / RAC band.


    Photo 2: Shows Condemned 84 playing with other so called apolitical bands. Skinful were banned from touring with Cock Sparrer because of their links to the Far Right. Pressure 28 we have dealt with elsewhere. Resistance 77 have had members of Skrewdriver and other white power bands play in their band.


    Photo 3: Shows former drummer Cliff Warby in a Chelsea Headhunters top. For those not familiar with the Chelsea Headhunters they were a football hooligan firm who had strong links to Combat 18. For more information on that check out the White Riot book by Searchlight where the links between Combat 18 and the Headhunters are proven. Here
    [ame=""]White Riot: The Violent Story of Combat 18: The Violent Rise and Fall of Combat 18: Nick Lowles: 9781903854006: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

    There are other photos available on the net and Cliff's page himself where he's wearing the Odinist "Mjölnir" pendant in loads of his photos. We also have an Oxblood interview taken from British Born Oi! fanzine where they state that Cliff turned up in New York for a gig with Condemned 84 wearing a white power badge.

    Condemned 84 over the years have played with many Nazi bands on mainland Europe to be believed. They turn a blind eye to everything that goes on in these venues. Venues include the Moloko in Belgium and Skinhouse in Italy. In 2010 they played the ‘Allied Invasion’ gig at the N8 in Duisburg where owner (Volker Uhlmannsiek) tolerates Far Right bands playing despite protests from Anti-Fascists. This is just the tip of the iceberg!!

    Their main record label was also the infamous Rock-O-Rama label who they shared with other white power bands such as Skrewdriver. The authorities forced the owner into closure at one point because of the hate crimes those lyrics and bands were inciting.

    Aside from having songs about mindless violence and nationalism they have full on ‘Hate’ songs. Check out the above song of theirs ‘We Hate You’. The chorus goes along these lines ‘We know who you are we hate you and all homosexuals’. Clever bunny’s eh?

    One almost shouldn’t forget about the legendary battle that took place between Condemned 84 and Anarchist punk band Conflict. Condemned 84 and their followers attacked a Conflict gig thinking the band and their followers were passive hippy punks. Their mistake as they were beaten to a pulp. When Colin Jerwood (Conflict) and Kev (Condemned 84) came face to face it was actually Kev who ran off. So much for his immortal words ‘We will never run!!’ They did that night!

    In recent times Condemned 84 and their fans have used the argument that they have shared stages with the likes of the Beat and the Templars. The Beat on finding out about Condemned 84 weren’t happy with the band or the promoter. As for the Templars well Phil Templar despite being black has a huge White Power record collection so sharing a stage with Condemned 84 was a dream that come true. I don’t know who’s crazier – Phil Templar or Condemned 84? Answers on a postcard please!

    Update: Step-1 Records a distributor of Condemned 84 records has removed all their stock from their merchandise because of the above information.

    Please Note: We encourage you to look at the evidence and judge for yourselves about Condemned 84 and where they stand as a band. We hope you as a band, a promoter, a fan etc do the right thing!!

  5. anarchOi

    anarchOi Comité auto-gestion Uploadeur Équipe technique Membre actif

    7 657



    4 Avril 2008
    Re : Condemned 84 raciste ? pour ceux qui avaient encore des doutes....
